With a remarkable academic career, Ms Neacșu has a key role in organizing the audio department activity and make sure the amazing team talent is displayed in an efficient manner. More on the personal page.
Marian Negru specializes in algorithms for audio processing and Neural Networks development. Holding a master's degree in Advanced Techniques for Digital Image Processing, he is currently a PhD student at SD-ETTI Politehnica Bucharest, working on Machine Learning methods for audio signals.
Andrei-Radu Dănilă, who has been with the company for almost 3 years, holds a Bachelor's Degree in Information Engineering and is currently finishing his Master's Degree in Intelligent Systems and Computer Vision. His key areas of interest are alongside audio signal processing, natural language processing (NLP) and multimodal learning.
Radu helps the team drive innovation with his excellent technical skills and academic excellence.